CalVet Agents Cut Through Red Tape to Cut Home Loan Deal for Paradise Veteran

(This story first appeared as a Guest Perspective in the State Treasurer’s Office November newsletter.)

By the spring of 2023, Navy veteran Sue Bone had given up hope on buying a new home.

After her home in Paradise vanished in a wall of flames during the Camp Fire of 2018, she found herself up against another kind of wall—a wall of bureaucratic red tape—that caused endless delays in her efforts to close the deal on her next residence. No longer able to drive, Bone desperately needed the home because of its close proximity to stores and other amenities.

“The loan with the Town of Paradise fell through, leaving me in a tough situation after the construction of the new home was already in the process,” Bone said. “I thought everything was falling apart. My Camp Fire relief fund money was being postponed longer and longer.”

She needed help, and fast. She found it by turning to CalVet Home Loans, where she connected with Associate Property Agent David Spalding and his loan origination team. “David was right there with me to help calm my nerves and reassured me it would all work out,” Bone said.

Woman standing garden holding patriotic pinwheel.
Sue Bone in her backyard.

CalVet’s 102-year-old Home Loans Division has helped over 440,000 veterans and their families achieve the dream of home ownership. Formed in 1921 as the Farm and Home Loan Purchase Program, it has loaned more than $8.4 billion without a dime of it coming from taxpayers.

Unlike typical mortgage lenders, CalVet Home Loans takes an active and highly personalized approach in assisting borrowers. They understand the needs of veterans and treat them like people, not a number. At CalVet Home Loans, veterans deal directly with team members, not a computer interface, throughout the home buying experience. They also offer unbeatable fire and hazard insurance at a time when some major insurance carriers refuse to write new policies in California.

The CalVet team helped Bone to navigate an extremely complex process.

“I had given up hope when everything was falling apart,” she said. “But because David was so optimistic, it kept me going. He even worked with the Town of Paradise to secure a Camp Fire loan for me.”

Because CalVet Home Loans considered her unique circumstances, and provided personalized support throughout the process, Bone is now living in her new home.

“It’s so close to everything that she doesn’t have to rely on Uber or anyone else,” Spalding said. “I couldn’t have achieved my dreams without all of his help and encouragement. This house was perfect for me because I am visually impaired and disabled, and don’t drive. Thank you again for all you have done for me.”

For more information on obtaining a CalVet Home Loan, visit or call us directly during regular business hours at (866) 653-2510. We are happy to help.

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